Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Gol Gappe kaise diye" - Vikram

Almost Rs 16K were being used at Solang Valley to left us with some odd Rs 400-500 and each pocket at max Rs 20. So there arose a need to visit our ATM to take out some moneyto pay for dinner and fuel.
Here comes the history-maker(don't ask me why history-maker) Bhuppi with a plan of roaming in Van Vihar quite popular for its greenery and river flow. So some of us moved towards it with a margin of 45 mins to return back to our tempo. At the entrance we saw a Gol-Gappe valla,seeing whom me and Shivani exchanged some looks to grab a few of them.And we started to see others also joining to have those delicious water filled wonders. I started enjoying them closing my eyes because of the sheer taste. And then comes a voice saying pehle ye batao kitne ke diye :( :( :(
It was Vikram who wants to do the calculation before eating because the vendor may try to cheat us .....Mr. TL also second his opinion saying "bahiya bas karo aur count batao".

We enterd Van Vihar to see the beauty of this place. We tried our hands there at River crossing and other spots to have pics and videos.

Finally we left the place in a hurry as people were waiting for us.

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