Sunday, June 6, 2010

The ***SunshinE***.... that lasts till date on our faces

And the another day comes up a little early it seems with a big bang on the door of our pitiful room by Amaan who was all dressed up in his light color shirt and a sweater and was ready to board the bus for the destination,it seems.
"Oh Gosh !!! We are late.... Its already 5, and even didn't have a bath" - I hollered a warning. Saying this I entered the bathroom with my things to get dressed up first(at least in this room).

Though it seems a big job but taking a bathe is not actually a time consuming job,specially when you are in hurry. One just need to turn on the shower and put off some mugs of water out of bucket.... that's it and you are done.
At around 5.45 AM in the morning we all were ready to start our March for today towards a more closer look of Himalaya range.

Getting into the new vehicle booked for us we realized that it has a capacity of only 11 people but we were 12. Now either we have to play musical chair or someone has to be adjusted( People like me are best choice for the second option ).
"Haste haste kat jaaye raste" - this is the tag line for that journey as we enjoyed with all kinda jokes and songs and other sight seeing. the 4.5hrs journey finished in just some clicks.
Can't move forward without mentioning that lady Dhaba-onwner. She was a charm, a symbol of modesty, a person worth remembering. She glittered our way with her own always-happy nature.

In typical Bollywood movie, a hero has to fight with at least two villain in the entire 3 hr story, so it happened to our Hero as well. Here is how -
When er were about to reach to the peak destination, we encountered jam (Delhi vaale jahan bhi chale jayein jam laga dete hain). And the driver was not able to move the cart even a bit,so he suggested us not to go much up but to enjoy there only. He proposed the same many times.At last, Imran Sir got up and blustered on him "Do hell with your suggestion and we'll do whatever we'll fell like." After exchanging a few hot sentences both of them were calm for the further move. Imran sir came with an idea of hiring horses for reaching the hill-top.And after a while we were there.

And starts the series of enjoyable actions that we performed there - be it sliding over the snow from the peak to the plain, trying our hands for skiing, be it snow fighting,visiting Vyas Ji Temple, having Maggie,trying to a snowman or Yak,horse riding, we enjoyed every moment oblivious of the fact that the Sunshine that was quite lucrative at that instant was leaving some irremovable footprints on our face.
The footprints which are still visible.

After enjoying there for hours we finally made our way back to hotel as the only thing that we want at that time was a good sleep with or without dinner.

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