Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Silence

So all the adventure were over, the only thing left was sleep. So we tried to sleep in the vehicle but then this ladies named Anki and Shilpi started opening their songs DB.
We kept playing,singing, dancing, everything to enjoy because everyone knows the next day - office !!!
We three Vicky, Bhupi and Me were new to the group so we need to introduce ourselves to the group and we did. It was my first turn as usual.Then comes Bhuppi and the last was Vicky who make people roll on the floor with his not-so-innocent talks.

Then comes the TL ka dance with Vicky which was like as someone is paying for it .... Kudos !!!

This is how the night continued. You must be confused that where the hell is silence in this part. I know its not there. I was expecting this but it could not happen.

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