Sunday, June 6, 2010

What should we call it Sight seeing or Photography Session

We all relaxed in the hotel at a leisure hour,unpacked our luggage and then moved out to have a feel of the city and to have our breakfast-cum-lunch. Manali is a big tourist spot attracting more than thousands of people every season -this was evident from the rush at the lunch hours in the restaurant.
After having our lunch we finally planned to walk through the city exploring other attractions.So the first destination was Hidimba Mata Mandir who was supposedly 500 years old. It was placed at a hill where we all move with our cameras. And whne the cameras are in hand who cares about the 5000 years old monument. We clicked every now and then, at almost every stone, with every angle possible.Thanks to Mr. A (the first person I meet in this group), Ya you got it correct, the one who want someone to be there with him on this trip. But Hard Luck!!!
We visited some series of temples that evening, can't recall which all, even can't remember how many!!! Coz were busy getting clicked with bushes, yaks, shades, stones apple trees, localities, and every other damn thing expect toilets(Bhuppi had a pic even with it).
The sheer at this place can't be defined in words but can either be witnessed or clicked in a cam. We choose the other one.

We returned back to hotel and had our dinner. We also got to know about the morning plan that we have to leave at 5.30 in Morning for Rohtang Pass. How the hell is possible for a Software Engg. to get up early on a Sunday Morning. This is insane. This is the only time you can say (in dreams) to your manager "Sir either give me a hike and promotion or I'll leave for another options I have. Choice is yours" and even he replies "Plz don't do this I'll do whatever you will ask me to do....Come late, leave early, get a hike and promotion but don't talk about leaving the job. Project will crash without you indubitably".
Before going to bed we all gathered in the most popular or "badnaam" room of Mr. TL.
We discussed certain things while checking the capacity of the bed by getting ourselves relaxed into that single victim bed.Though it didn't jolted.
So the lights got dim of room no. 302 of Chaman after realising that we anyhow have to leave for Rohtang Pass in the morning.So have to get up at around 4 in the morning.

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