Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oh Gosh.... Whrz the Shamiyana

All throughout the wait at Patel Chowk, Mr. TL kept on saying this tempo has the Shamiyana inside it.You will feel like in a Mahal. But when it opened the door, no one could find the Shamiyanas. Either Mr. TL fooled us or the transporter fooled Mr. TL. The second one has a higher probability.
Now was the time to load the bags on the roof top of our wagon.After a while I followed people entering the wagon. Imran sir made the first voice saying its not that bad, infact a good one.I seconded his opinion as the interior was fabulous with curtains, carpet, good AC, and above all a projected LCD. Now no one, I guess, is missing the Shamiyana.

Sabar ka phal meetha hota hai

In BTW, I missed to described the driver who was to drive us all throughout these four days and seeing him at first sight, I also got the reason while Mr. TL was moving out of our sight while conversing with him on phone. He was a true tapori with a massive built covered with his usual stinky driver dress.His eyes were symbolically threatening us not to do any nuisance. That look of his was a terrible pain.

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