Sunday, June 6, 2010

Kill-the-time at Patel Chowk

We were standing at the bus stand named Patel Chowk where usually no rush is there even at the rush hours. Even the Iron-made stand was astonished to see 9-10 people waiting there at a single go.
Vineet is still standing with a grief of losing his collection as if he got divorced even before honeymoon. Oh God give him the courage to fight alone !!!
So, these two last persons are coming from the other end of the road to join us for the expedition that has already started. The popular Bhuppi (don't ask me what he is popular for) and Vikram (the guy who need tutorial "how to tease a girl at road side"). Both are from my alma mater.

Now starts the count-down. According to Mr. TL, the booked tempo traveller has to reach there at 7.00PM. But it already 6.30, and he hasn't even started from his place.This was the time for people to give some very unobvious suggestion to kill time. One was lets move to India Gate "we will have Kalla Khatta". Thank God being patriotic he didn't ask for Vagah Border.

Mr. TL tried calling the driver many times but every time he was kinda outta sight while calling, though he was claiming he thrashed him on phone but situation seemed vice-versa :D

And finally after a so-noisy pause of around hundred minutes the tempo traveller came.
Only at this point I got the assurance that YES we are leaving atleast to somewhere.

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