Sunday, June 6, 2010

So called Kangali Machao Andolan at Solang

Monday Blues - not exactly. We get up at around 8 in the morning to get dressed up to leave Chaman as we have to move to Solang Valley.
We reached Solang Valley in an hour or so without realizing the fact that we were not left with much of cash with us. We were planning to have paragliding here with zorbing,mountain biking and other games. We had our breakfast also here. In the meanwhile some of the guys including me tried to bargain for the rates of paragliding.
Though we wasted much of our time but finally got some marginal discount and then the wait starts for the tram to start but in vain. So we decided to move in two groups on horses towards the height from where we have to jump.

Initial batch starts its journey and we were waiting for nothing down the hills. Though we decided to go for the highest range possible there but still there was a fear in mind.

Wait... Wait.... n... Wait.....

After around 2 hours we got a call from Anki about their departure from the height towards the ground. And we all were ready for the shoot.In the sky every one was enjoying and people were gazing at them because our batch was the first to go upto that height for that day.

Now the first group was on ground and it was our turn to go up with tram as it was functioning now. I banged at the ticket counter to see this beautiful lady at the other side of the counter and to grab the tickets. We looted our seats in the tram without informing the controller that we have to get off at the height only for paragliding. So while reaching we were not not aware of the problem that we faced when we reached there. Imran sir was clicking pics one after the another. In the same josh he handed over his cam to some localite standing outside through window.And a big bang, cam was mishandled to touch the ground. Oh shit!!!

That person quickly picked it up and handed over to us saying its not working.We could not do anything because tram was still moving. Now comes the more traumatic phase, the operator at the upper control area didn't allow us to get off because we didn't inform the lower operator. And we were down again to fight with the attendant that we have to do paragliding, so we have to go up again. After several tries,they let us move again and we enjoyed the double ride.

Getting off the tram we had to track for around 2 kms to reach the take-off zone.
Then the time came to do the zing. After a while I was flying in the air.
Wow feeling it was ..... even more mesmerizing when I touched the ground.

Oops !!! Headline to explain kari hi nahi.... Kangali Machao Andolan named by Amaan and handled by me. The thing was we were short of money and there was no ATM around so we need to device some way to do all the adventure with our pockets. So the rule was to give every single penny into your pockets, one can only behold at max Rs 20. This is how we collected around Rs 17K. Big amount.

Doing all the masti we moved from there to head towards Delhi. ( Have heard of this place even before).

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